Nationally acclaimed family law attorney, mediator and award-winning podcaster, Susan Guthrie is the voice you can trust on your divorce journey. After guiding countless numbers of people through the perilous world of divorce for almost 35 years, and speaking to a podcast audience of over 5 million listeners, Susan brings you the top-rated The Divorce & Beyond® Podcast, ranked in the top 1% of the more than 3.5 million podcasts in the world, to help you successfully navigate the choppy waters of divorce so you can sail into your beautiful BEYOND.

Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
In this bonus episode, Susan Guthrie, is joined by her friend and colleague, leading divorce attorney/mediator, Gabrielle Hartley, and they discuss online dispute resolution options for families and individuals that find themselves without in-person options due to the challenges that the current COVID-19 Pandemic raises with court closures, social distancing and more! You have options online!
There are many instances where people feel that they have few to no options when it comes to trying to resolve disputes with their co-parent or ex. This is made even more difficult when, as we face court closures and other difficulties in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, where families are struggling to find order and resolution while under the stress of the situation. Parenting plans are disrupted, jobs and lost and support payments are being missed and much more but the courts are closed for many. Host Susan Guthrie, one of the top family law attorneys and mediators in the country and an online mediation expert, sits with friend and colleague, leading attorney, Gabrielle Hartley, to discuss their online mediation, coaching, arbitration and parent coordination services and the online options that are available to those who are looking for a way to move forward. This episode has the information you need to hear to cope with some of the stresses of the day!
Some Highlights from this Special BONUS EPISODE:
- What is mediation and how can it help you today?
- How do you mediate online?
- What if mediation doesn't work but you need a decision?
- How can a parent coordinator help?
- What is co-parent counseling and why might it be a good idea?
All of these services are available ONLINE and IMMEDIATELY so take a listen to this episode today!
More about Gabrielle Hartley, Esq., is leading divorce attorney, wellness and strategy coach, author and speaker and online mediator. For the last 25 years, she has served couples in reaching reasonable resolutions for her cases both in person and online. She is well-known for keeping 99% of her cases at the negotiation table and out of the courtroom.
With extensive experience in and out of the courtroom, her agreements are arrived at swiftly and are both clear and comprehensive. She founded The Better Apart Method, authored Better Apart; The Radically Positively Way to Separate (HarperCollins 2019).
She committed to keeping the toxicity and damage in her cases to a minimum. Her work has been endorsed by Gwyneth Paltrow and featured across media channels such as People Magazine, The New York Times, U.S. News and World Report, Vice, The New York Post, Yoga Journal,Vice Mind Body Green, Thrive Global, The Hampshire Gazette, and The Brian Lehrer Show. She is a regular expert guest and blogger featured NBC television (Mass Appeal) and radio as well as dozens of podcasts and blogs around the world.
Gabrielle trains divorce professionals in The Better Apart Method Online Certification and mediates with divorcing clients online around the country and world. You can find more information about Gabrielle and her services on her website at www.gabriellehartley.com.
Get the BETTER APART FREE Ultimate Divorce Survive & Thrive Kit mentioned by Gabrielle by clicking here!
SUSAN GUTHRIE, ESQ., the creator and host of The Divorce and Beyond Podcast, is nationally recognized as one of the top family law and divorce mediation attorneys in the country. She is one of the Co-Chair's of the American Bar Association's DR Section Mediation Committee and is the Founder of Divorce in a Better Way which provides a curated selection of resources and information for those facing divorce and other life changes. Susan also provides legal coaching and divorce mediation services to select clients around the world through an online platform. Find out more at www.divorceinabetterway.com.
Susan's Online Mediation Training Program for Professionals:
LEARN TO MEDIATE ONLINE: As one of the leading online mediation experts in the country, Susan Guthrie has created a simple and efficient online training program that allows mediation professionals to quickly and easily add an online platform to their practice! The two hour online program covers the basics of conducting mediations through an online platform like Zoom, and reviews the ethical and practical considerations that arise in this format. You even receive a copy of, and the right to use, Susan's Online Mediation Guidelines and Ground Rules to make your online mediations even easier for mediator and clients alike! Learn more at www.learntomediateonline.com or reach out to Susan directly at susan@learntomediateonline.com. Listeners of The Divorce & Beyond Podcast receive $50 off the cost of the one-on-one training so be sure to mention that you heard about it here!
FAYR, the BEST Co-Parenting App on the Market! What makes FAYR different? At FAYR it's not just about efficiency and ease (though they love those). They also help you create a better co-parenting experience by providing tools for: constructive communication, argument diffusion, and emotional support. For information on our FAYR, the ONLY co-parenting app recommended by Susan Guthrie and The Divorce and Beyond Podcast, visit their website at www.fayr.com. Don't forget to use the code "SUSANG18" for 20% off!!
If you would like to sponsor the show please reach out to us at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com for pricing and details!!!
Remember to follow Susan Guthrie and THE DIVORCE AND BEYOND PODCAST on social media for updates and inside tips and information:
Susan Guthrie on Facebook
Susan on Instagram
Susan on Twitter
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Instagram
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Twitter
If you want to see the video version of the podcast episodes they are available on The Divorce & Beyond YouTube Channel! Make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a single episode!
Finally, we'd really appreciate it if you would give us a 5 Star Rating and tell us what you like about the show in a review - your feedback really matters to us!
You can also get in touch with Susan at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com.
Don't forget to visit the webpage www.divorceandbeyondpod.com and sign up for the free NEWSLETTER to receive a special welcome video from Susan and more!!

Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
In this episode, Susan Guthrie, top family law attorney and mediator, speaks with one of the country's leading divorce financial professionals, Heather Locus, CPA, CFP, CDFA (look at all those initials!), who shares essential financial factors to consider when negotiating your divorce settlement.
Getting a divorce can be one of the scariest experiences that we will ever go through, and much of that fear is worry about finances. When you take everything that you are your spouse have and split it two ways, it's inevitable that there will be less to go around. Heather Locus, CPA, CFP, CDFA, one of the country's leading divorce financial professionals knows the fear and uncertainty that people feel when it comes to their money and divorce and she helps people navigate those choppy waters every day. Heather shares her insights and top tips for you to be aware of as you negotiate your divorce settlement including alimony, property division, retirement assets, taxes, health insurance and more. If you are facing divorce, do not negotiate anything without listening to this episode first!
Some HIGHLIGHTS from this Episode:
Find out what ostrich syndrome is and why it can be so costly.
Why is alimony the scariest word in divorce?
Why is flexibility the key to negotiating the best settlement?
How do you create your divorce bucket list?
Hear Heather's insights on focusing on the NEXT CHAPTER so you can move BEYOND!
All this and much, much more so be sure to listen today!
MORE ABOUT TODAY'S GUEST: Heather Locus, CPA, CFP, CDFA is passionate about helping people make complex decisions. As an owner of Balasa Dinverno Foltz, LLC, a national independent private wealth management firm, Heather is head of their Divorce Practice Group, and founder of their Women’s Service Team, she solves problems by balancing the emotional and behavioral components of financial decisions with the tax and legal issues.
Since taking the right steps at every turn matters, Heather empowers divorcing men and women to make sound decisions throughout all the phases of divorce. Often as the first divorce professional people talk to, she helps families hire the best-fit attorneys, mediator or other professionals needed. Heather and her team assist in key decisions such as whether to settle or continue negotiations, then fully implement separating assets and managing the investments to fund a full life post-divorce. Heather uses her technical knowledge and first-hand experience to guide people through this unsettling situation to create a full life as they redefine it. She authored The Next Chapter: A Practical Roadmap for Navigating Through, and Beyond, Divorce and is a regular contributor to Forbes.com
A Forbes “America’s Top Women Advisor,” Heather is also a six-time “Five Star Wealth Manager” according to Chicago Magazine, was named an “Influential Women in Business” by The Business Ledger, a “Top 200 Wealth Advisor Mom” by Working Mother, and an Investment News “Woman to Watch”. She has contributed to various publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Crain’s Chicago Business, Family Lawyer Magazine and Divorce Magazine on topics ranging from how to protect an estate during a divorce to key financial considerations before signing a divorce settlement or prenuptial agreement. Through presentations including “The Financially Responsible Woman: Five Strategies for a Full Life” and “When I Do Becomes I Don’t: Five Strategies for a Financially Responsible Divorce, Heather educates women and men on how to transition through new phases of their life with confidence and peace of mind.
You can reach Heather by email at hlocus@bdfllc.com. The firm's website is www.bdfllc.com where you can find more information about Heather, BDF and the free resources that she mentioned on the podcast.
Heather's Free Gift: The first three listeners who reach out to Heather by email at hlocus@bdfllc.com and put "The Divorce & Beyond Podcast" in the subject line will receive a copy of Heather's book, "The Next Chapter: A Practical Roadmap for Navigating Through, and Beyond, Divorce!"
SUSAN GUTHRIE, ESQ., the creator and host of The Divorce and Beyond Podcast, is nationally recognized as one of the top family law and divorce mediation attorneys in the country. She is one of the Co-Chair's of the American Bar Association's DR Section Mediation Committee and is the Founder of Divorce in a Better Way which provides a curated selection of resources and information for those facing divorce and other life changes. Susan also provides legal coaching and divorce mediation services to select clients around the world through an online platform. Find out more at www.divorceinabetterway.com.
For Divorce Professionals: As one of the country's leading experts in online mediation, Susan is now sharing her expertise and knowledge and offering her ONLINE MEDIATION TRAINING PROGRAM which will show you how to implement an online platform into to your existing practice in just two short one-hour online sessions! Increase your potential client base, convenience and income by learning the ethical and practical considerations to know when mediating online! Find out more at www.learntomediateonline.com and mention you are a listener of the Divorce and Beyond Podcast to get $50 off the cost of the 1:1 training!
Gabrielle Hartley, the Creator of the Better Apart Method: Leading divorce lawyer, coach and mediator, Gabrielle Hartley's book book "Better Apart: The Radically Positive Way to Separate" is a runaway best-seller and now she has created the Better Apart Master Class, available for download online, which provides powerful tools to help you get clear, feel better and reclaim your life! For a limited time you will receive a mini consultation with Gabrielle herself when you sign up for the Master Class. Listeners of the podcast receive $25 off the price of the Master Class with code "BEYOND25"!!!
FAYR, the BEST Co-Parenting App on the Market! What makes FAYR different? At FAYR it's not just about efficiency and ease (though they love those). They also help you create a better co-parenting experience by providing tools for: constructive communication, argument diffusion, and emotional support. For information on our FAYR, the ONLY co-parenting app recommended by Susan Guthrie and The Divorce and Beyond Podcast, visit their website at www.fayr.com. Don't forget to use the code "SUSANG18" for 20% off!!
LIMITED SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ARE AVAILABLE: If you would like to sponsor the show please reach out to us at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com for pricing and details!!!
Don't forget to check out the Divorce & Beyond Podcast website at www.divorceandbeyondpod.com where you can find all of our episodes, links to sponsors and special offers and SIGN UP FOR THE FREE NEWSLETTER and Receive a Special Welcome Video from Susan!
Remember to follow Susan Guthrie and THE DIVORCE AND BEYOND PODCAST on social media for updates and inside tips and information:
Susan Guthrie on Facebook @Susan Guthrie
Susan on Instagram @susanguthrieesq
Susan on Twitter @guthrielaw
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Instagram @divorceandbeyond
Divorce & Beyond on Twitter @DivorceBeyond
If you want to see the video version of the podcast episodes they are available on The Divorce & Beyond YouTube Channel! Make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a single episode!
Finally, we'd really appreciate it if you would give us a 5 Star Rating and tell us what you like about the show in a review - your feedback really matters to us! You can also get in touch with Susan at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com.
Disclaimer: No representation is being made that any strategy shown will or is likely to achieve results similar to those shown in this presentation. BDF does not provide legal, tax, insurance, social security or accounting advice. Clients of BDF should obtain their own independent tax, insurance and legal advice based on their particular circumstances. The information herein is provided solely to educate on a variety of topics, including wealth planning, tax considerations, insurance, estate, gift and philanthropic planning.
Past performance may not be indicative of future results. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. Future performance of any investment or wealth management strategy, including those recommended by Balasa Dinverno Foltz LLC (BDF), may not be profitable, suitable for you, prove successful or equal historical indices. Historical indices do not reflect the deduction of transaction, custodial or investment management fees, which would diminish results. Any historical index performance figures are for comparison purposes only and client account holdings will not directly correspond to any such data. BDF clients must, in writing, advise BDF of personal, financial or investment objective changes and any restrictions desired on BDF’s services so that BDF may re-evaluate its previous recommendations and adjust its investment advisory services. BDF’s current written disclosure statement discussing advisory services and fees is available for review at www.BDFLLC.com or upon request.

Saturday Mar 14, 2020
Saturday Mar 14, 2020
In this bonus episode, Susan Guthrie, addresses some of the challenges that the current COVID-19 Pandemic raises for families and individuals who are facing divorce and BEYOND.
We are facing a rapidly changing world as the COVID-19 Pandemic causes change, upheaval and disruption in our lives. One area that has been greatly impacted is the effect of the situation on families going through divorce and co-parenting in the face of the ongoing challenges presented. In this special bonus episode, Attorney Susan Guthrie covers the main topics that affect divorce and co-parenting and offers suggestions and tips for meeting those challenges in the near and long term. The issues raised in this episode affect millions of individuals and families and will help you all to navigate the difficult days ahead.
Be safe, be well and be kind to yourself and to others.
Much love,
Some Highlights from this episode:
What can you do if the courts are closed?
How can you handle changes in your schedule and your children's schedule due to closings?
What happens if someone gets sick?
What will happen if someone loses their job or is laid off?
Will there be an impact on the division of your assets and liabilities as economy is affected?
How can you manage being confined in the same house with your ex and family?
Why healthy boundaries and self-care are even more important today.
SUSAN GUTHRIE, ESQ., the creator and host of The Divorce and Beyond Podcast, is nationally recognized as one of the top family law and divorce mediation attorneys in the country. She is one of the Co-Chair's of the American Bar Association's DR Section Mediation Committee and is the Founder of Divorce in a Better Way which provides a curated selection of resources and information for those facing divorce and other life changes. Susan also provides legal coaching and divorce mediation services to select clients around the world through an online platform. Find out more at www.divorceinabetterway.com.
Susan's Online Mediation Training Program for Professionals:
LEARN TO MEDIATE ONLINE: As one of the leading online mediation experts in the country, Susan Guthrie has created a simple and efficient online training program that allows mediation professionals to quickly and easily add an online platform to their practice! The two hour online program covers the basics of conducting mediations through an online platform like Zoom, and reviews the ethical and practical considerations that arise in this format. You even receive a copy of, and the right to use, Susan's Online Mediation Guidelines and Ground Rules to make your online mediations even easier for mediator and clients alike! Learn more at www.learntomediateonline.com or reach out to Susan directly at susan@learntomediateonline.com. Listeners of The Divorce & Beyond Podcast receive $50 off the cost of the one-on-one training so be sure to mention that you heard about it here!
FAYR, the BEST Co-Parenting App on the Market! What makes FAYR different? At FAYR it's not just about efficiency and ease (though they love those). They also help you create a better co-parenting experience by providing tools for: constructive communication, argument diffusion, and emotional support. For information on our FAYR, the ONLY co-parenting app recommended by Susan Guthrie and The Divorce and Beyond Podcast, visit their website at www.fayr.com. Don't forget to use the code "SUSANG18" for 20% off!!
If you would like to sponsor the show please reach out to us at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com for pricing and details!!!
Remember to follow Susan Guthrie and THE DIVORCE AND BEYOND PODCAST on social media for updates and inside tips and information:
Susan Guthrie on Facebook
Susan on Instagram
Susan on Twitter
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Instagram
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Twitter
If you want to see the video version of the podcast episodes they are available on The Divorce & Beyond YouTube Channel! Make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a single episode!
Finally, we'd really appreciate it if you would give us a 5 Star Rating and tell us what you like about the show in a review - your feedback really matters to us!
You can also get in touch with Susan at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com.
Don't forget to visit the webpage www.divorceandbeyondpod.com and sign up for the free NEWSLETTER to receive a special welcome video from Susan and more!!

Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
In this episode, Susan Guthrie, top family law attorney and mediator, and the former host of Breaking Free: A Modern Divorce Podcast, chats with Dr. Debi Silber, the Founder of the PBT (Post-Betrayal Transformation) Institute, about the trauma caused by betrayal and how you can heal and move forward to a better future! As Dr. Debi says "The best revenge is a life well lived" so listen to this episode today, start healing so that you can live your best life!
Betrayal - the word alone can create a lump in your stomach. Whether it is a loved one, a friend, a colleague or even a stranger, the effects of betrayal are all-encompassing and extremely hard to move beyond. The betrayal can impact our lives for years to come, sometime forever but Dr. Debi Silber is THE expert in helping people to move beyond betrayal to live their lives healed, renewed and with a new world view. She has created her successful program that helps people to move through the 5 stages of betrayal to heal all aspects of their lives and to build a new foundation upon which to move into their future. If you are ready to find out how your biggest crisis can reveal your greatest gift, listen to this episode and GET READY TO HEAL!
Some HIGHLIGHTS from this Episode:
What is betrayal and why is it so devastating?
Why does Dr. Debi say that "even though it happened to you, it's not about you?"
What are the 5 stages of betrayal and healing and where are you?
What are the three reasons that people don't heal from betrayal
Why does Dr. Debi say that failure to heal can be like and addiction?
All this and her top tips to start the healing process so LISTEN TODAY!
Dr. Debi Silber, founder of The PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute https://PBTInstitute.com is a holistic psychologist, a health, mindset and personal development speaker, author and mentor who helps people heal from Post Betrayal Syndrome. She’s the author of the Amazon #1 bestselling book: The Unshakable Woman: 4 Steps to Rebuilding Your Body, Mind and Life After a Life Crisis, and has contributed to The Dr. Oz show, FOX, CBS, The Huffington Post, Forbes, Psychology Today, Health, Shape, WebMD, and Glamour to name a few. Her recent PhD study on how we experience betrayal-what holds us back, what helps us heal and what happens to us (physically, mentally and emotionally) when the people closest to us lie, cheat and deceive made three groundbreaking discoveries. Her proven process, birthed from those discoveries, has helped thousands of people fully heal from betrayal; enabling them to thrive in their relationships, work, health and life.
You can view Dr. Debi's latest TEDx Talk, "Do You Have Post-Betrayal Syndrome?" HERE!
Dr. Debi's Free Gift: Take the "Do You Have Post Betrayal Syndrome Quiz" and find out if you have PBS, what stage you are in, and get tips for healing by email!
SUSAN GUTHRIE, ESQ., the creator and host of The Divorce and Beyond Podcast, is nationally recognized as one of the top family law and divorce mediation attorneys in the country. She is one of the Co-Chair's of the American Bar Association's DR Section Mediation Committee and is the Founder of Divorce in a Better Way which provides a curated selection of resources and information for those facing divorce and other life changes. Susan also provides legal coaching and divorce mediation services to select clients around the world through an online platform. Find out more at www.divorceinabetterway.com.
For Divorce Professionals: As one of the country's leading experts in online mediation, Susan is now sharing her expertise and knowledge and offering her ONLINE MEDIATION TRAINING PROGRAM which will show you how to implement an online platform into to your existing practice in just two short one-hour online sessions! Increase your potential client base, convenience and income by learning the ethical and practical considerations to know when mediating online! Find out more at www.learntomediateonline.com and mention you are a listener of the Divorce and Beyond Podcast to get $50 off the cost of the 1:1 training!
Gabrielle Hartley, the Creator of the Better Apart Method: Leading divorce lawyer, coach and mediator, Gabrielle Hartley's book book "Better Apart: The Radically Positive Way to Separate" is a runaway best-seller and now she has created the Better Apart Master Class, available for download online, which provides powerful tools to help you get clear, feel better and reclaim your life! For a limited time you will receive a mini consultation with Gabrielle herself when you sign up for the Master Class. Listeners of the podcast receive $25 off the price of the Master Class with code "BEYOND25"!!!
FAYR, the BEST Co-Parenting App on the Market! What makes FAYR different? At FAYR it's not just about efficiency and ease (though they love those). They also help you create a better co-parenting experience by providing tools for: constructive communication, argument diffusion, and emotional support. For information on our FAYR, the ONLY co-parenting app recommended by Susan Guthrie and The Divorce and Beyond Podcast, visit their website at www.fayr.com. Don't forget to use the code "SUSANG18" for 20% off!!
If you would like to sponsor the show please reach out to us at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com for pricing and details!!!
Don't forget to check out the Divorce & Beyond Podcast website at www.divorceandbeyondpod.com where you can find all of our episodes, links to sponsors and special offers and SIGN UP FOR THE FREE NEWSLETTER and Receive a Special Welcome Video from Susan!
Remember to follow Susan Guthrie and THE DIVORCE AND BEYOND PODCAST on social media for updates and inside tips and information:
Susan Guthrie on Facebook @Susan Guthrie
Susan on Instagram @susanguthrieesq
Susan on Twitter @guthrielaw
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Instagram @divorceandbeyond
Divorce & Beyond on Twitter @DivorceBeyond
If you want to see the video version of the podcast episodes they are available on The Divorce & Beyond YouTube Channel! Make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a single episode!
Finally, we'd really appreciate it if you would give us a 5 Star Rating and tell us what you like about the show in a review - your feedback really matters to us! You can also get in touch with Susan at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com.

Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
In this episode of the Divorce & Beyond Podcast, Susan Guthrie, nationally recognized as one of the top family law attorneys and mediators in the country, speaks with Kate Anthony of The Divorce Survival Guide Podcast and Creator of the Should I Stay or Should I Go Program on just how you know if your relationship has run it's course or if if can be fixed.
Truly one of the most difficult questions that we might have to answer in our lives is should we stay in our marriage that doesn't seem to be working, or should we go and find happiness elsewhere? In fact, many people will linger in the limbo of this unanswered question for months and even years, without being able to move forward to either repair the relationship or find the strength to end it. Kate Anthony is the leading expert on helping you to answer the question of whether to stay or go and she helps people all over the world with her innovative online program and her one-on-one coaching. In this special episode, taped in person in California, Kate shares:
- What you need to consider if your relationship is in limbo and you are living "like roommates."
- What the most common weak spots are in a marriage and what you can do to fix them (hint: communication is key!)
- How failing to address the issues that lie between you and your spouse can lead to the worst divorce possible.
- What to do if your spouse is asking you to go to therapy and what to do if you are asking but they won't go!
- Why trying everything you can to work on the relationship is so important even if those efforts fail. (Kate says that all the work she and her husband did to try and fix their marriage didn't work but did lead to them having a great divorce!)
- How to have the conversation with your spouse if you do decide "it's time to go."
MORE ABOUT TODAY'S GUEST: Kate Anthony is the host of the critically acclaimed podcast The Divorce Survival Guide Podcast and the creator of the groundbreaking online coaching program, Should I Stay or Should I Go? which helps women make the most difficult decision of their lives using coaching tools, relationship education, geeky neuroscience, community support, and deep self-work.
Kate empowers women to find their strength, passion, and confidence even in the most disempowering of circumstances and helps them move forward with concrete plans set on a solid foundation, putting their children at the center (not in the middle) of all their decisions.
In addition to her online programs, Kate works privately with clients all over the world.
Kate lives in Los Angeles with her teenage son (whom she lovingly co-parents with her ex-husband), their two dogs, and a handful of fish.
You can find out more about Kate and her services and programs at www.kateanthony.com where you can also access her FREE "Should You Stay or Should You Go Quiz" for immediate results in your inbox! It's the perfect complement to the information in the episode!
SUSAN GUTHRIE, ESQ., the creator and host of The Divorce and Beyond Podcast, is nationally recognized as one of the top family law and divorce mediation attorneys in the country. She is one of the Co-Chair's of the American Bar Association's DR Section Mediation Committee and is the Founder of Divorce in a Better Way which provides a curated selection of resources and information for those facing divorce and other life changes. Susan also provides legal coaching and divorce mediation services to select clients around the world through an online platform. Find out more at www.divorceinabetterway.com.
LEARN TO MEDIATE ONLINE: As one of the leading online mediation experts in the country, Susan Guthrie has created a simple and efficient online training program that allows mediation professionals to quickly and easily add an online platform to their practice! The two hour online program covers the basics of conducting mediations through an online platform like Zoom, and reviews the ethical and practical considerations that arise in this format. You even receive a copy of, and the right to use, Susan's Online Mediation Guidelines and Ground Rules to make your online mediations even easier for mediator and clients alike! Learn more at www.learntomediateonline.com or reach out to Susan directly at susan@learntomediateonline.com. Listeners of The Divorce & Beyond Podcast receive $50 off the cost of the one-on-one training so be sure to mention that you heard about it here!
If you would like to sponsor the show please reach out to us at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com for pricing and details!!!
Remember to follow Susan Guthrie and THE DIVORCE AND BEYOND PODCAST on social media for updates and inside tips and information:
Susan Guthrie on Facebook
Susan on Instagram
Susan on Twitter
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Instagram
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Twitter
If you want to see the video version of the podcast episodes they are available on The Divorce & Beyond YouTube Channel! Make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a single episode!
Finally, we'd really appreciate it if you would give us a 5 Star Rating and tell us what you like about the show in a review - your feedback really matters to us!
You can also get in touch with Susan at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com.
Don't forget to visit the webpage www.divorceandbeyondpod.com and sign up for the free NEWSLETTER to receive a special welcome video from Susan and more!!

Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
In Part Two of this very special Two-Part episode, Susan Guthrie, top family law attorney and mediator, and the former host of Breaking Free: A Modern Divorce Podcast, continues her talk with Author and Coach, Lindsey Ellison about her Best-Selling Book, "Magic Words: How to Get What You Want from a Narcissist" which lays out a simple and effective program for managing your relationship with your high-conflict ex! If you haven't listened to Part One of this Two-Part episode, you can take a listen here: Part One of "Magic Words for Getting What You Want from a Narcissist with Best-Selling Author, Lindsey Ellison."
Divorcing a narcissist is hard but co-parenting with one after divorce can feel impossible! Author, speaker and coach, Lindsey Ellison went through the crazy-making process herself and struggled for years to try and co-parent with her narcissistic ex until she couldn't take it anymore. She sat down and using her impressive research skills, she plotted the path to success in dealing with and managing the narcissist in your life. Luckily, she shared her formula, in a basic and easily digestible format in her best-selling book, "Magic Words: How to Get What You Want from a Narcissist" and she shares the details with us in these two episodes. Her MAGIC words have worked for her and they will work for you so be sure to listen and get what you want from your narcissist! Lindsey told you her story in Part One and shared the first two steps in her Magic Formula for getting what you want from a Narcissist. Get ready to take notes on the final three steps and get out of that constant conflict cycle with your ex and find your freedom. All you need to know is here in these episodes!
Highlights from Part Two:
What emotion is a Narcissist's driving force and how can you use that knowledge to help you manage them?
Why does your narcissistic ex blow up your phone and what can you do about it?
What are Lindsey's favorite "magic words" and what is the best way to use them?
What are the best words to use when you want something from your narcissist?
How do you hit the reset button on your relationship with your ex and move forward in a better way?
About Today's Guest:
Lindsey Ellison is a relationship coach and founder of Start Over Coaching, Inc., a coaching practice dedicated to helping people navigate their divorce or break up. Lindsey also specializes in helping people break free from narcissistic abuse, and is the author of the best selling book, MAGIC Words: How to Get What You Want from a Narcissist. You can find Lindsey on her popular podcast, Unbreakable You: Breakup Without Being Broken or on her website lindseyellison.com.
SPECIAL OFFER: To get Lindsey's special offer for listeners of The Divorce & Beyond Podcast, "The Magic Words Downloadable Workbook" please click here. The workbook is designed to help you to go through the Mapping Their Persona exercise and the Assessing Their Fears and Insecurities exercise from Lindsey's book so be sure to download your copy today!
SUSAN GUTHRIE, ESQ., the creator and host of The Divorce and Beyond Podcast, is nationally recognized as one of the top family law and divorce mediation attorneys in the country. She is one of the Co-Chair's of the American Bar Association's DR Section Mediation Committee and is the Founder of Divorce in a Better Way which provides a curated selection of resources and information for those facing divorce and other life changes. Susan also provides legal coaching and divorce mediation services to select clients around the world through an online platform. Find out more at www.divorceinabetterway.com.
HELLO DIVORCE: Hello Divorce is a first-of-it's-kind DIY divorce website that allows individuals in California to complete the necessary forms for divorce as well as provides invaluable help with informative videos, articles, affordable legal advice and services all in an online platform and easy to use app! Listeners of The Divorce & Beyond Podcast can use the discount code "DIVORCEBEYOND" to receive $50 off the cost of any service or subscription! Find out more at www.hellodivorce.com.
LEARN TO MEDIATE ONLINE: As one of the leading online mediation experts in the country, Susan Guthrie has created a simple and efficient online training program that allows mediation professionals to quickly and easily add an online platform to their practice! The two hour online program covers the basics of conducting mediations through an online platform like Zoom, and reviews the ethical and practical considerations that arise in this format. You even receive a copy of, and the right to use, Susan's Online Mediation Guidelines and Ground Rules to make your online mediations even easier for mediator and clients alike! Learn more at www.learntomediateonline.com or reach out to Susan directly at susan@learntomediateonline.com. Listeners of The Divorce & Beyond Podcast receive $50 off the cost of the one-on-one training so be sure to mention that you heard about it here!
If you would like to sponsor the show please reach out to us at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com for pricing and details!!!
Remember to follow Susan Guthrie and THE DIVORCE AND BEYOND PODCAST on social media for updates and inside tips and information:
Susan Guthrie on Facebook
Susan on Instagram
Susan on Twitter
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Instagram
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Twitter
If you want to see the video version of the podcast episodes they are available on The Divorce & Beyond YouTube Channel! Make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a single episode!
Finally, we'd really appreciate it if you would give us a 5 Star Rating and tell us what you like about the show in a review - your feedback really matters to us!
You can also get in touch with Susan at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com.
Don't forget to visit the webpage www.divorceandbeyondpod.com and sign up for the free NEWSLETTER to receive a special welcome video from Susan and more!!

Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
In Part One of this very special Two-Part episode, Susan Guthrie, top family law attorney and mediator, and the former host of Breaking Free: A Modern Divorce Podcast, chats with Author and Coach, Lindsey Ellison about her Best-Selling Book, "Magic Words: How to Get What You Want from a Narcissist" which lays out a simple and effective program for managing your relationship with your high-conflict ex! Lindsey has lived the nightmare herself and her formula is so important that we had to make this a special two-parter so that we could share it all in detail with you!
Divorcing a narcissist is hard but co-parenting with one after divorce can feel impossible! Author, speaker and coach, Lindsey Ellison went through the crazy-making process herself and struggled for years to try and co-parent with her narcissistic ex until she couldn't take it anymore. She sat down and using her impressive research skills, she plotted the path to success in dealing with and managing the narcissist in your life. Luckily, she shared her formula, in a basic and easily digestible format in her best-selling book, "Magic Words: How to Get What You Want from a Narcissist" and she shares the details with us in these two episodes. Her MAGIC words have worked for her and they will work for you so be sure to listen and get what you want from your narcissist!
Highlights from Part One:
Lindsey tells the story of her journey through marriage, divorce and co-parenting with a narcissist and how her Magic formula has helped her to break the conflict cycle with her ex.
Find out what Lindsey calls Kryptonite for Narcissists and how to use this information to get out of the tornado of dealing with your Narcissist.
What are the most common issues that arise when co-parenting with a Narcissist?
How does codependency mix with Narcissism and how can you get off the hamster wheel of conflict?
How do Narcissist's view their children and how does that affect the co-parenting paradigm?
About Today's Guest:
Lindsey Ellison is a relationship coach and founder of Start Over Coaching, Inc., a coaching practice dedicated to helping people navigate their divorce or break up. Lindsey also specializes in helping people break free from narcissistic abuse, and is the author of the best selling book, MAGIC Words: How to Get What You Want from a Narcissist. You can find Lindsey on her popular podcast, Unbreakable You: Breakup Without Being Broken or on her website lindseyellison.com.
SPECIAL OFFER: To get Lindsey's special offer for listeners of The Divorce & Beyond Podcast, "The Magic Words Downloadable Workbook" please click here! The workbook is designed to help you to go through the Mapping Their Persona exercise and the Assessing Their Fears and Insecurities exercise from Lindsey's book so be sure to download your copy today!
SUSAN GUTHRIE, ESQ., the creator and host of The Divorce and Beyond Podcast, is nationally recognized as one of the top family law and divorce mediation attorneys in the country. She is one of the Co-Chair's of the American Bar Association's DR Section Mediation Committee and is the Founder of Divorce in a Better Way which provides a curated selection of resources and information for those facing divorce and other life changes. Susan also provides legal coaching and divorce mediation services to select clients around the world through an online platform. Find out more at www.divorceinabetterway.com.
HELLO DIVORCE: Hello Divorce is a first-of-it's-kind DIY divorce website that allows individuals in California to complete the necessary forms for divorce as well as provides invaluable help with informative videos, articles, affordable legal advice and services all in an online platform and easy to use app! Listeners of The Divorce & Beyond Podcast can use the discount code "DIVORCEBEYOND" to receive $50 off the cost of any service or subscription! Find out more at www.hellodivorce.com.
LEARN TO MEDIATE ONLINE: As one of the leading online mediation experts in the country, Susan Guthrie has created a simple and efficient online training program that allows mediation professionals to quickly and easily add an online platform to their practice! The two hour online program covers the basics of conducting mediations through an online platform like Zoom, and reviews the ethical and practical considerations that arise in this format. You even receive a copy of, and the right to use, Susan's Online Mediation Guidelines and Ground Rules to make your online mediations even easier for mediator and clients alike! Learn more at www.learntomediateonline.com or reach out to Susan directly at susan@learntomediateonline.com. Listeners of The Divorce & Beyond Podcast receive $50 off the cost of the one-on-one training so be sure to mention that you heard about it here!
If you would like to sponsor the show please reach out to us at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com for pricing and details!!!
Remember to follow Susan Guthrie and THE DIVORCE AND BEYOND PODCAST on social media for updates and inside tips and information:
Susan Guthrie on Facebook
Susan on Instagram
Susan on Twitter
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Instagram
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Twitter
If you want to see the video version of the podcast episodes they are available on The Divorce & Beyond YouTube Channel! Make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a single episode!
Finally, we'd really appreciate it if you would give us a 5 Star Rating and tell us what you like about the show in a review - your feedback really matters to us!
You can also get in touch with Susan at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com.
Don't forget to visit the webpage www.divorceandbeyondpod.com and sign up for the free NEWSLETTER to receive a special welcome video from Susan and more!!

Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
In this episode, Susan Guthrie, top family law attorney and mediator, and the former host of Breaking Free: A Modern Divorce Podcast, chats with BELA GANDHI, America's Favorite Dating Expert and the Founder of The Smart Dating Academy to hear her TOP TIPS and action items to get you back on the dating scene after divorce or a break up!
Dating, especially after having been in a long-term marriage or relationship, can evoke feelings of terror in the hearts of both men and women of all ages. There can be a lot of pressure, both external and internal, to get back out into the dating scene and find that new partner. Often we just don't even know how to get started because dating doesn't even look like dating anymore. It's all about online dating these days with apps and online programs. Well, here's your fairy godmother of dating, BELA GANDHI to help you with everything you need to know to get back out there and find that new love! Bela is America's Favorite Dating Coach and has recently been seen on Good Morning America, the Today Show and The Kelly Clarkson Show helping people across the country to tackle dating in the 2020's and she is going to tell you all about creating the right profile, getting into the right mindset, and how to handle all the issues with dating so that you can find the right "lid to your pot!"
Highlights from the Episode:
Bela shares how many pictures and how much personal information needs to be in your profile on dating sites and apps.
Find out why Bela wants you to be "psychotically optimistic" about dating again.
Hear why Bela wants you to "diversify your dating assets" in order to find success in dating.
Bela has tips for knowing when it's the right time to get naked with a new person and when it's not!
What is the biggest mistake that Bela sees people making when dating and what should they do instead?
For all this and more, take a listen to this episode now!
Bela Gandhi is the Founder of the Smart Dating Academy. She has an uncanny sixth sense about people, and what they need. Her intuition has been responsible for several marriages (and children)! The Huffington Post and Steve Harvey call her "The Fairy Godmother of Dating!"
Bela has been connecting people all of her life. Prior to founding the Smart Dating Academy, Bela worked for 12 years as a top global executive for Akzo Nobel, a large multinational corporation. Bela has two degrees from The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Finance & German), and has been happily married for 20 years with 2 children.
You can find out more about Bela, her date coaching services and her FREE GIFT the 7 Clues You are in a Relationship with a Narcissist Quiz at www.smartdatingacademy.com.
SUSAN GUTHRIE, ESQ., the creator and host of The Divorce and Beyond Podcast, is nationally recognized as one of the top family law and divorce mediation attorneys in the country. She is one of the Co-Chair's of the American Bar Association's DR Section Mediation Committee and is the Founder of Divorce in a Better Way which provides a curated selection of resources and information for those facing divorce and other life changes. Susan also provides legal coaching and divorce mediation services to select clients around the world through an online platform. Find out more at www.divorceinabetterway.com.
HELLO DIVORCE: Hello Divorce is a first-of-it's-kind DIY divorce website that allows individuals in California to complete the necessary forms for divorce as well as provides invaluable help with informative videos, articles, affordable legal advice and services all in an online platform and easy to use app! Listeners of The Divorce & Beyond Podcast can use the discount code "DIVORCEBEYOND" to receive $50 off the cost of any service or subscription! Find out more at www.hellodivorce.com.
LEARN TO MEDIATE ONLINE: As one of the leading online mediation experts in the country, Susan Guthrie has created a simple and efficient online training program that allows mediation professionals to quickly and easily add an online platform to their practice! The two hour online program covers the basics of conducting mediations through an online platform like Zoom, and reviews the ethical and practical considerations that arise in this format. You even receive a copy of, and the right to use, Susan's Online Mediation Guidelines and Ground Rules to make your online mediations even easier for mediator and clients alike! Learn more at www.learntomediateonline.com or reach out to Susan directly at susan@learntomediateonline.com. Listeners of The Divorce & Beyond Podcast receive $50 off the cost of the one-on-one training so be sure to mention that you heard about it here!
If you would like to sponsor the show please reach out to us at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com for pricing and details!!!
Remember to follow Susan Guthrie and THE DIVORCE AND BEYOND PODCAST on social media for updates and inside tips and information:
Susan Guthrie on Facebook
Susan on Instagram
Susan on Twitter
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Instagram
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Twitter
If you want to see the video version of the podcast episodes they are available on The Divorce & Beyond YouTube Channel! Make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a single episode!
Finally, we'd really appreciate it if you would give us a 5 Star Rating and tell us what you like about the show in a review - your feedback really matters to us!
You can also get in touch with Susan at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com.
Don't forget to visit the webpage www.divorceandbeyondpod.com and sign up for the free NEWSLETTER to receive a special welcome video from Susan and more!!

Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
In this episode, Susan Guthrie, top family law attorney and mediator, and the former host of Breaking Free: A Modern Divorce Podcast chats with Jan Yuhas and Jillian Yuhas, the dynamic duo known as "the Love Twins" and creators of the Entwined Lifestyle brand about the need for firm and clear boundaries when divorcing.
When people are facing divorce the first things they think about are dividing their money and assets as well as defining their time with their kids but there is much, much more to the equation when you are facing disentangling from each other's lives. To do so successfully, it is very important that the couple clearly communicate and that they agree to and follow certain firm boundaries between their new, SEPARATE LIVES! Jan and Jillian Yuhas, the founders of the lifestyle coaching team at Entwined Lifestyle, join Susan Guthrie today to discuss some of the many collateral issues that need to be discussed and hopefully given some boundaries so that life doesn't get messy as you try to move forward. This can be especially complicated when you have kids together and have to co-parent after the divorce is final. Jillian and Jan, both with the Masters degrees in Marriage and Family Therapy, specialize in helping people to identify those issues, have those hard conversations and set those necessary boundaries (no surprise that Jan and Jillian are divorce mediators too!) Who gets to keep the friends, the family members, the nanny and the gym? Good questions and ones that needs to be answered for healthy boundaries!
Here are some highlights from the episode:
4:30 Can you still have the same friends and what if the friends choose your ex?
9:00 The impact of divorce on family relationships - is blood really thicker than water?
12:30 How do you handle grandparents and visitation?
17:15 What about all the places where your kids hang out - can you share them?
22:00 Why boundaries are so key to a successful separation.
23:15 Oh no, not the nanny/au pair/babysitter!
31:45 What are Jan and Jillian's "3 Cs" and how do they help you set necessary boundaries?
Jan and Jillian's Special Offers:
For 20% off the cost of the Boundary Badass Program or 20% off the 1st month of 1:1 Coaching, use the code "LIFESTYLE20". This offer will be valid for 30 days from the date this episode first airs (February 3, 2020).
Jan Yuhas and Jillian Yuhas, MA, MFT, CPC, are International Relationship & Lifestyle Coaches, founders of Entwined Lifestyle, and Creators of the Powerless to Boundary Badass program. Their ability to overcome their own relationship struggles in the past inspired them to coach others to relationship success. Known as The Love Twins, they have made it their mission to guide men & women in finding their inner voice, owning their worth, setting healthy boundaries to feel invincible in their relationships, personally and professionally. Their writings have been featured on websites including Thrive Global, Take The Lead, Yahoo Lifestyle, Bustle, The Dating Truth, YourTango, Everyday Power, Thought Catalog, Go Dates, Medium and The Minds Journal. They have appeared on The JamTV, Dana Being Dana TV, AWheelhouse Radio, Macy's Estee Lauder Dating Panel. Through their speaking and writings, they’ve inspired countless women, men, and families to achieve greater relationship fulfillment.
When they’re not helping others cultivate valuable relationships, you can find them whipping up home-cooked meals with friends or family, searching for one-of-a-kind fashionable wardrobe, traveling to new and exciting foreign destinations, wandering gardens, catching sunsets, going for walks, and discovering the latest homeopathic herbal remedies to any health problem. You can learn more about Jan & Jillian and their coaching programs at www.entwinedlifestyle.com
SUSAN GUTHRIE, ESQ., the creator and host of The Divorce and Beyond Podcast, is nationally recognized as one of the top family law and divorce mediation attorneys in the country. She is one of the Co-Chair's of the American Bar Association's DR Section Mediation Committee and is the Founder of Divorce in a Better Way which provides a curated selection of resources and information for those facing divorce and other life changes. Susan also provides legal coaching and divorce mediation services to select clients around the world through an online platform. Find out more at www.divorceinabetterway.com.
LEARN TO MEDIATE ONLINE: As one of the leading online mediation experts in the country, Susan Guthrie has created a simple and efficient online training program that allows mediation professionals to quickly and easily add an online platform to their practice! The two hour online program covers the basics of conducting mediations through an online platform like Zoom, and reviews the ethical and practical considerations that arise in this format. You even receive a copy of, and the right to use, Susan's Online Mediation Guidelines and Ground Rules to make your online mediations even easier for mediator and clients alike! Learn more at www.learntomediateonline.com or reach out to Susan directly at susan@learntomediateonline.com. Listeners of The Divorce & Beyond Podcast receive $50 off the cost of the one-on-one training so be sure to mention that you heard about it here!
If you would like to sponsor the show please reach out to us at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com for pricing and details!!!
Remember to follow Susan Guthrie and THE DIVORCE AND BEYOND PODCAST on social media for updates and inside tips and information:
Susan Guthrie on Facebook
Susan on Instagram
Susan on Twitter
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Instagram
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Twitter
If you want to see the video version of the podcast episodes they are available on The Divorce & Beyond YouTube Channel! Make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a single episode!
Finally, we'd really appreciate it if you would give us a 5 Star Rating and tell us what you like about the show in a review - your feedback really matters to us!
You can also get in touch with Susan at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com.

Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
In this episode, Susan Guthrie, top family law attorney and mediator, and the former host of Breaking Free: A Modern Divorce Podcast, chats with MBA, Author and the Host of the #1 Divorce Finance Podcast, Shawn Leamon to bring you his insider tips and advice for protecting your money and finances in divorce.
There are very few topics in divorce that raise more fear than MONEY. The minute divorce looms on the horizon, people start to worry about who will get what, who will have to pay what and how they will be able to live financially once the divorce happens.
How much alimony/child support will I have to pay/will I receive?
Can I afford to keep the house?
What about my retirement, will I have enough to live on?
On and on it goes and the fear can be paralyzing. Shawn Leamon is the expert who can help you start to fight the fear and he does it by educating you on what you can do to protect your finances in divorce. Shawn hosts the #1 divorce finance podcast, Divorce and Your Money, and he works with clients around the world to help them face their fear by educating them on the financial issues they face and helping them to make solid decisions for their future and that of their family. Divorce is scary but having the right financial adviser can make all the difference so listen to this episode to get Shawn's top tips now!
Here are some highlights from the episode:
4:45 Why is there so much fear around finances in divorce and what can you do about it?
5:50 What is "ostrich syndrome" in divorce and how can it hurt you?
14:00 Why you need to quantify your "marital pie" before you can start slicing it up between you and your spouse.
22:00 Why creating a timeline of your relationship can be so helpful to your divorce process AND how it can save you a ton of money.
26:30 How to keep your spouse from spying on you and keep your communications with your divorce team private.
32:00 Why going to court sucks and why it's financially important to avoid it if you can.
Shawn Leamon is an MBA, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, and host of the #1 divorce financial podcast, Divorce and Your Money. He is also the author of Divorce and Your Money: How to Avoid Costly Divorce Mistakes (2020), a no-nonsense, user-friendly guide that provides a complete plan for facing the tough decisions during divorce.
Shawn’s work has been seen in Time, USA Today, Yahoo! Finance, Nasdaq, San Francisco Chronicle, and many other publications across the United States. His website, DivorceAndYourMoney.com has over 1 million viewers and his podcast has over 500,000 downloads.
Born and raised in Dallas, Texas, he received his Bachelor of Arts in both Economics and Philosophy from Dartmouth College. He holds a Master of Business Administration from Spain’s IE Business School, where he focused on international finance and venture capital. Before launching his own firm, Shawn worked as a credit research analyst at J.P. Morgan and subsequently helped manage $1.1 billion in client assets at Bernstein Global Wealth Management.
In his personal life, Shawn loves to push his physical and mental limits as an ultra-endurance athlete. An avid traveler, Shawn spends time between his offices in Dallas, New York City and Hanover, New Hampshire, and can often be found wandering the globe, having visited over 25 countries.
You can find out more about Shawn Leamon, his services, book and podcast on his website: www.divorceandyourmoney.com
For more information on dtour.life, the simple solution to collecting and organizing all of your divorce information, documents and forms in one place mentioned by Susan in this episode, visit their website at www.dtourlife.com!
SUSAN GUTHRIE, ESQ., the creator and host of The Divorce and Beyond Podcast, is nationally recognized as one of the top family law and divorce mediation attorneys in the country. She is one of the Co-Chair's of the American Bar Association's DR Section Mediation Committee and is the Founder of Divorce in a Better Way which provides a curated selection of resources and information for those facing divorce and other life changes. Susan also provides legal coaching and divorce mediation services to select clients around the world through an online platform. Find out more at www.divorceinabetterway.com.
HELLO DIVORCE: Hello Divorce is a first-of-it's-kind DIY divorce website that allows individuals in California to complete the necessary forms for divorce as well as provides invaluable help with informative videos, articles, affordable legal advice and services all in an online platform and easy to use app! Listeners of The Divorce & Beyond Podcast can use the discount code "DIVORCEBEYOND" to receive $50 off the cost of any service or subscription! Find out more at www.hellodivorce.com.
LEARN TO MEDIATE ONLINE: As one of the leading online mediation experts in the country, Susan Guthrie has created a simple and efficient online training program that allows mediation professionals to quickly and easily add an online platform to their practice! The two hour online program covers the basics of conducting mediations through an online platform like Zoom, and reviews the ethical and practical considerations that arise in this format. You even receive a copy of, and the right to use, Susan's Online Mediation Guidelines and Ground Rules to make your online mediations even easier for mediator and clients alike! Learn more at www.learntomediateonline.com or reach out to Susan directly at susan@learntomediateonline.com. Listeners of The Divorce & Beyond Podcast receive $50 off the cost of the one-on-one training so be sure to mention that you heard about it here!
If you would like to sponsor the show please reach out to us at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com for pricing and details!!!
Remember to follow Susan Guthrie and THE DIVORCE AND BEYOND PODCAST on social media for updates and inside tips and information:
Susan Guthrie on Facebook
Susan on Instagram
Susan on Twitter
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Instagram
Divorce & Beyond Podcast on Twitter
If you want to see the video version of the podcast episodes they are available on The Divorce & Beyond YouTube Channel! Make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a single episode!
Finally, we'd really appreciate it if you would give us a 5 Star Rating and tell us what you like about the show in a review - your feedback really matters to us!
You can also get in touch with Susan at divorceandbeyondpod@gmail.com.